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Technology is heavily integrated in our operation as we always try to remain at the forefront.
We employ a full range of survey devices to ensure the job is completed as best and accurately as possible.
Our ultrasonic hatch cover testing device permits the convenient testing of hatch covers as cargo remains on board.
Ultrasonic Hatch Cover Tightness Testing
For ultrasonic hatch cover testing we use a model which is type approved by ABS Class and also approved for use by the insurance companies British Marine and North of England.
The main pieces of the unit are the transmitter (the device with a dome on the right) and the receiver (on the left). The level of ultrasonic sound emitted from the transmitter is displayed on the receiver's digital screen in decibels. For the convenience of the operator one of the yellow microphones is connected to an extending 1.2 m inspection shaft. Therefore the operator can comfortably inspect the hatch covers for a long period while maintaining the microphone at a closedistance to the area being inspected.
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